
Convert hex string to binary file

printf 1716d547cd7c0398bd244ac06c8a2ec8 | xxd -r -p > x.bin
# show original bytes
xxd x.bin
# 00000000: 1716 d547 cd7c 0398 bd24 4ac0 6c8a 2ec8  ...G.|...$J.l...

Convert binary file to base64 file

base64 x.bin > x.base64      # default line wrapping=76
base64 -w 0 x.bin > x.base64 # w/o line wrapping
# show base64
cat x.base64
# FxbVR818A5i9JErAbIouyA==

Revert base64 file to binary

base64 -d x.base64 > r_x.bin
# show reverted bytes
xxd r_x.bin


Convert hex string to base64 string

printf 1716d547cd7c0398bd244ac06c8a2ec8 | xxd -r -p | base64
# FxbVR818A5i9JErAbIouyA==

Revert base64 string to binary file

echo -n "FxbVR818A5i9JErAbIouyA==" | base64 -d - > x.bin
# show bytes
xxd x.bin
# 00000000: 1716 d547 cd7c 0398 bd24 4ac0 6c8a 2ec8  ...G.|...$J.l...


Convert plain text to base64 string

echo -n "{your-plain-text}" | base64
# e3lvdXItcGxhaW4tdGV4dH0=

Revert base64 string to plain text

echo -n "e3lvdXItcGxhaW4tdGV4dH0=" | base64 -d
# {your-plain-text}
